2018 Executive Council Applications Open

EEESA is now recruiting for 2018-2019 Executive Council positions! We are currently recruiting for the following positions: 

·         President

·         VP Events

·         VP Academic

·         VP Communications

·         VP Finance

·         VP External

·         Senior VP

·         VP Marketing

·         Director of Events

·         Director Frosh Week and Engg Week

·         Director of Funding

·         Director of Trips

If you are interested in the position of President, we will be holding the annual election for this position on March 16. The presidential application will be due Sunday, March 11, and the campaigning period will be from March 13-16.

For all other council positions, applications will be due on March 18.  Please note that no campaigning is required for other council positions; applications will be reviewed by the current EEESA Executive Council.

Please email eeesa@ucalgary.ca for the application form and more information.